Strange New Athletics Tournament

SNAT - Sports for the Rest of Us

SNAT Universal Rules:

  • All sports shall be co-ed.

  • All sports shall be reasonably accessible for contestants with physical impairments.

  • An athlete may compete in multiple sports.

  • An athlete may compete as an individual, or they may represent a not-for-profit group or organization.

  • An athlete may not represent a for-profit entity (business, corporation, etc) .

  • There will be no drug-testing required of any athlete at any time.

Table Flipping

Flip a table to propel an object for distance & accuracy.

  • A table has object(s) on top. Athlete flips the table in such a way as to propel the object(s) through space, and points are awarded for object flight distance, landing location, height, etc...

  • Athlete may not touch the objects.

  • May only use their hands to touch the table.

  • They may tough only the edge of the table closest to them.

  • They may not grasp the table edge, and may flip it only with open, flat palms.

  • When flipping, contestant's feet or other point of contact with the ground (i.e. wheelchair, etc...) may not move, rise, or change position in any way.

  • Table dimensions and objects to be decided by SNAT officials.

Volume Precision Pouring

Pour a precise volume by eye.

  • Athlete is shown one clear glass un-graduated container. They may only visually inspect this container.

  • Athlete is given a larger clear glass un-graduated container.

  • Athlete pours a volume of water into the larger container that they think will just barely fill the smaller.

  • Then, a judge pours that water into the smaller container.

  • Points for closeness to the brim, bust if over-poured.

Bouillon Cube Unwrapping

Unwrap bouillon cubes quickly & accurately.

  • Contest is for speed and accuracy.

  • Points deducted if wrapper is torn or not intact in any way.

  • May not use anything other than bare hands.

  • May use fingernails.

Question & Answers

  • Is this like the Olympics? // Well, kinda. But the Olympics are real fussy about their name & branding, so we decided to not call this the Weirdolympics.

  • Is this happening in real life? // At the moment, nothing in planned, but it would be nice to bring this to real life!

  • Contact info? // Feel free to email [email protected] for more info.